Friday, 5 November 2010
Sunday, 31 October 2010
Illuminating York
As a child a highlight of the autumn was a trip to Blackpool Illuminations - a crawl along the promenade to marvel at the coloured lighting effects and then on to the fair.
Matlock Bath has its illuminations too, with illuminated boats floating down the river.
Not to be out done there is Illuminating York.
This year we wentt into town to see what it was all about. It centres around the Minster area.
The highlight was images projected onto the end wall of the Southern transept which features the famous Rose Window.
I only took my small camera so it was difficult to take a reasonable photo - next year .....
There was a series of projections including falling roses and stained glass window effects.
In the gardens behind the minster were other light shows, including a piece of modern stained glass, Unifying Light, by local artist Julia Spall based on work with Refugee Action.
Other lighting included lighting some of the trees from below, including this Acer.
This showed the texture of the bark well.
And I've been knitting too.
My autumn vest has made good progress - the body is complete, the shoulders need to be sewn and then I can make decisions about the edging.
Matlock Bath has its illuminations too, with illuminated boats floating down the river.
Not to be out done there is Illuminating York.
This year we wentt into town to see what it was all about. It centres around the Minster area.
The highlight was images projected onto the end wall of the Southern transept which features the famous Rose Window.
I only took my small camera so it was difficult to take a reasonable photo - next year .....
There was a series of projections including falling roses and stained glass window effects.
In the gardens behind the minster were other light shows, including a piece of modern stained glass, Unifying Light, by local artist Julia Spall based on work with Refugee Action.
Other lighting included lighting some of the trees from below, including this Acer.
This showed the texture of the bark well.
And I've been knitting too.
My autumn vest has made good progress - the body is complete, the shoulders need to be sewn and then I can make decisions about the edging.
Sunday, 10 October 2010
Beginning of the cross country season today, so back to soggy fields and autumn colours. No time to photos of runners as I was asked to judge the finish of the races and make sure people kept in line in the funnel.
I didn't go to any races last winter so it was great to go back, the buzz as I walked into brought back memories of previous winters: the smell of deep heat and sweat as the men run, the gasping for breath as they finish, wishing I could run it too, until I calculate that I would be so far behind the last lady I'd be lapped by the next two races. A great way to spend a Saturday afternoon, and the sun shone for a while.
And I have been knitting too:
A swatch for my latest project a waistcoat / vest in autumnal colours, this is inspired by Jane Thornley's approach to knitting.
Mostly this is knitted with two fingering weight yarns ("4-ply") jnitted together, which creates a greater range of colours, and some more subtle colour changes.
Some things learned from the swatch and more as I go. I am waiting for a sunny morning to take more photos of the 'real thing'.
I didn't go to any races last winter so it was great to go back, the buzz as I walked into brought back memories of previous winters: the smell of deep heat and sweat as the men run, the gasping for breath as they finish, wishing I could run it too, until I calculate that I would be so far behind the last lady I'd be lapped by the next two races. A great way to spend a Saturday afternoon, and the sun shone for a while.
And I have been knitting too:
A swatch for my latest project a waistcoat / vest in autumnal colours, this is inspired by Jane Thornley's approach to knitting.
Mostly this is knitted with two fingering weight yarns ("4-ply") jnitted together, which creates a greater range of colours, and some more subtle colour changes.
Some things learned from the swatch and more as I go. I am waiting for a sunny morning to take more photos of the 'real thing'.
Sunday, 3 October 2010
Changing scenery?
One of the joys of the autumn is picking up a freshly fallen conker. That beautiful colour and the feel of the gloosy shell. It doesn't last long, after a few days the gloss has gone and it begins to dehydrate.
And the pleasure may not be with us for many more years either.
I had a few days in Oxfordshire last week. Whilst driving my Mum around we noticed that the Horse Chestnut trees had turned brown ahead of other trees around. My Mum said she had heard that there is a disease affecting them, she was correct.
The Independent on Sunday reports today Spread of alien moth puts Britain's conker trees at risk
Imagine the change to our countryside if we lose them all - changes on the scale of the loss of elms last century.
Enjoy them while you can.
Knitting too
I have a few things completed, taking part in The Yarn Yard 12 in 12 challenge means completing a pair of socks each month for 12 months.
This is my September pair.
I also knitted a pair across the months - Nightmail:
And then there is the longer term project to knit a waistcoat.
A Jane Thornley pattern, Road to Indigo >
This is taking some time but the beautiful yarns are giving such amazing colours.
Friday, 17 September 2010
Seize the moment
Wednesday, 15 September 2010
We had a great holday in Elie, Fife, with lots of chances to walk on the beach.
And take lots of photos.
Lots more on Flickr.
And I did some knitting too - some socks for a biologist colleague who has been a great support during my first year in the new job.
Monday, 3 May 2010
No longer missing
I haven't posted for months. I am not sure why, but today I feel like catching up.
Lots has happened - we have bought a little house in York, and it is beginning to feel like another home, though there is toing and froing at weekends - sometimes I go to Derby and sometimes MrBeanz comes here.
I have been learning to love the bike - its so much quicker to cycle the 1.4 miles (wow!) to work , I am gaining confidence in going slowly, dealing with traffic and getting up the small inclines I encounter. I hope to venture further this summer.
And I have been knitting - a fews things here.
Lots has happened - we have bought a little house in York, and it is beginning to feel like another home, though there is toing and froing at weekends - sometimes I go to Derby and sometimes MrBeanz comes here.
I have been learning to love the bike - its so much quicker to cycle the 1.4 miles (wow!) to work , I am gaining confidence in going slowly, dealing with traffic and getting up the small inclines I encounter. I hope to venture further this summer.
And I have been knitting - a fews things here.