Monday, 27 December 2004

A good Christmas was had by all!

What a GOOD Christmas!

Clear frosty mornings, no tantrums (are the minibeanzes really growing up at last?) and meeting with various bits of family, but not too many at once!

On Boxing Day plodding brother came up and we ran the Furnace Inn 3 miles(ish), a field of about 180, including lots of serious runners and a few santas and elves. The honour of the forums was upheld by popsider - who hangs out on Training - he came 11th in about 17 minutes! We passed three santas and an elf, but two of the Santas came in ahead of us, owing to cutting out the final loop (grrrr)! But we had a great time coming in in 35:35. It was a glorious frosty morning, with the slightest sprinkling of Christmas day snow still on the ground, almost completely off road and a chance to chat to my brother, so run at an easy, base training pace.
This morning we went out before anyone else was up and ran for 40 minutes, including some VERY steep up bits on the park across the road from home. Wish he lived closer so we could explore off road together more. Another frosty morning.

where: Furnace Inn race
how far: 3(ish) miles
time: 35:35
AHR: 152

Total for week:16.14 miles

where: round the park
how far: 2.5(ish) miles
time: 40:00
AHR: 129

Running total for year 482 miles - will not get to 500 unless I overdo it!

tomorrow: gym for strength and tready

1 comment:

  1. Yes we're 100 miles apart and he is a single parent so meeting is a case of take the opportunity when we can.

    he'll be cheering me on at FLM!
