Wednesday, 5 January 2005

no time to run yet

got to get myself organised to post some work before I catch a train - so no time to run this mroning.

Will have to take over the tready in the hotel.


  1. ignore the pratt from last night!
    I'm going to attempt a trot tonight (she laughs)
    trying to enter a "mystery sound" competition on the local radio station - if I do (yeah right!) I can add that money to my garduation money and get a cheap (it's the sales afterall!) and maybe buy a tready!!
    Back in the real world ... lets just get over this cold!
    Oh and you will have to post about the new diet, I have the WW points plan and calculator but the new switch thing sounds better

  2. Evening Beanz! Hope you're okay and managed a trot. I admire anyone who can run every day.. I've never been able to. Saw one of the lads from work this morning who has also entered the Liverpool Half... he's got shinsplints, silly sod started running without getting proper shoes organised (even though I told him to do that first!) Bloody men!

    Anyhow, in other news.... I'm also supposed to be back on WW as well - only thing is, I'm barely keeping to lucozade & soup at the moment! But I feel like a tub of lard

