Tuesday, 11 January 2005

steady run

After a day in London, with a little walking, it was off to the club. No partner (again) so I could do my own thing, which was good. Two steady laps felt comfortable and was just what I needed.

I like the new eating programme, though if I were not running I am not sure I could manage with just 3 spare points! Which goes to show that I was eating too much before.

will need to eat loads of fruit to fill the gaps.

where: road
how far: 6.2 km km 3.9 miles
time: 46:51
pace: 12.1 minute miles
AHR: 136
core: not done

tomorrow: session with PT - and park run later?


  1. Looking good there girl!
    I'll be ask club about the Ashby 20 (Benz is interested too) either tonight or Friday and I will advise you.
    I'm going to ask what the cut off is .... if I can run and perhaps offer to be a sweeper with the back markers or ask if I could run a slow group at the back, maybe start early if needed

  2. thanks,Kim, that'd be good.
