Thursday, 17 February 2005

back in the groove

Been working away from home for three days, but seem to be back in the groove of running - thanks to Trailplus.

Ran on Wednesday morning - first run since TP, just ran round and round Parker's Piece until my time as up.

Wednesday evening mrbeanz told me my pic was in the paper, but don't seem to have a way of showing it here.

This evening been to the club - lots of folk had seen the article and pic. managed a run around hte field - not so far as I planned as teenbeanz was waiting - he had a short session because he is running in the National XC on Saturday.

where: Cambridge
what: 2.6 miles
time: 38:00
pace: 14.5 mm
AHR: 134

where: club field - very soggy!
what: 2.5 miles
time: 36:57
pace: 14.8 mm

Tomorrow: gym - threshold session
AHR: 134

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