Wednesday, 3 August 2005

Robin Hood - 5 weeks to go!

Getting worried about Robin Hood, I looked at how much running I was doing last summer at this time to compare with this year.

[Always resort to data when worried!]

weekly mileage

weekly mileage

HM-14 0.33 2.39
HM-13 14.4 0.00
HM-12 11.4 5.7
HM-11 10.0 5.3
HM-10 5.6 9.7
HM-9 0.0 11.8
HM-8 1.9 13.3
HM-7 7.5 10.0
HM-6 10.6 0.0
HM-5 this week 5.0 14
HM-4 5.0 16
HM-3 21.0 15 holiday
HM-2 13.5 20
HM-1 18.4 21
Robin Hood 19.5 25

as last time July was a difficult time to get the miles in

if I can stick to the schedule between now and the race (life is less frenetic, so I should be able to) I might even reach it in better shape than last time :>)

So this week:

Sunday rest
Monday W5:R80:W5
Tuesday rest
Wednesday swim
Thursday W5:R50:W5
Friday rest Derby Social
Saturday W5:R60:W5
Sunday rest - visitors


  1. you did FLM this year - stressy not!

  2. ya youll be fine. best of luck with rest of training.

  3. Pix - and never been the same since!!

  4. well you have the miles in your legs so they will be fine!
    I suspect the "not the same since" is more to do with the "arrrgggghhhh FLM!" attitude to training cos "arrrgggghhhh Robin Hood" doesn't have the same effect!

  5. BTW mail me about the TW - I'm sure you will love it!

  6. Good luck at Robin Hood. It's a race I might do in future (or the marathon!), but I'm not running a HM so soon before Cardiff. I'm doing the Test Way Relay (Hampshire) that weekend - good fun social event!
