Saturday, 3 September 2005

ho hum

its all very dispiriting

I am no quicker, no fitter and no thinner than I was a year ago

so I entered Robin Hood hoping to do a better time than last year

but my training runs are no quicker than they were a year ago

I haven't run more than 8 miles since FLM

and the race is next Sunday!

I have this nasty feeling I am going to hate it

all the other forumites will be long gone from the pub by the time I finish ............................................

TP and I will start together but not sure whether we will stick together

she has not run further than last wweeks 8 miles EVER

and her shoes are not right, blisters last week and today's run was shorter than planned cos she was getting rubbing

BUT I had a good run with TP today - slow, but see above

distance 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 0.01 5.01
time 13:33 13:15 13:42 14:33 13:06 14:48 1:08:24
AHR 131 146 148 141 146 149 142

we did run a mile walk a minute and I stopped to stretch my calves in each of the minutes - so these times include that stretching time

TP did some good stretching with me afterwards - especially of my hamstrings and hip flexors


  1. good run beanz!
    just remember left right smile!
    you'll do RH easy!

  2. well going into it at least there is no pressure, get around the course and enjoy the myself seems like we need to get out there and train abit more

    best of luck and try enjoy

  3. been running 3 years
    23 maras later and im no quicker either
    Nor thinner
    you know you can fiish
    thers the differene
