Friday, 24 February 2006

missing runs

mmm haven't blogged since Sunday

something to do with being feeble I think

anyway it went like this:

Sunday - ran early, meetings all day, work to do in the evening, late to bed

Monday - couldn't get up early to run, needed sleep; worked late into the evening

Tuesday - had to get up early to get early into the office to email work from Monday

Wednesday - at last the energy to get up and run - 2½ miles in 31:31 ok so not that far but it was 12:49 mm so quick for me

Thursday - snowing, so I was persuaded to go to the gym - so I could give the teenbeanzes a lift to school on the way - so cross-trainer and then tready 2½ miles done

Friday - and its long run day - more snow, cold wind but eventually I get myself out the door, snow has stopped and it is thawing slightly - though I cannot imgaine why, it is FREEZING
plod the first mile mostly downhill, but as soon as I reach an uphill bit my back aches - and this is the route that is best described as hilly - so with this back ache there is no way I am going to cope with all the hills an dI decide to turn back :<( and a pathetic 2 miles completed
back home I phone the phyzz who miraculously has had a cancellation and I have been down there for a prod - she agrees the back is tight and going into spasma and says that I need to do the core strength stuff more carefully and regularly

so that is me told

I MUST do it

tomorrow's another day

and its National XC Champs at Parliament Hills - is it a year since I met Ruth at the Brum races?

so teenbeanz is running and various other forumites - its looking to be a cold muddy day out


  1. Bout time you and i got together for a longer one then isnt it

  2. Its always best to stop if something is hurting. I hope the back will be better for your next run.
