Monday, 27 March 2006

Running long

It's a good job I didn't see the weather forecast this morning!
MrBeanz took me out to about 14 miles from home for me to run back.
It was drizzling when we set off so I decided on cap not woolly hat and Aldi gilet not Ron Hill fleecy gilet - good decisions both.
So out in Derbyshire and of course the route starts off UP. I decide a warm-up walk is in order! I plan to run at MHR 140 instead of 145 to see if that helps me survive better at the end.
All seems to be going ok though I seem to have hydrated too well and need to find a convenient hedge - which I do in mile 3.
Soon after that the valley opens out and I discover there's a strong wind from the south and I'm running into it and it is full of water!
Running to HR and walking at the end of each mile are soon abandoned - it's much better to run than walk in this weather.
So I plod along ticking off the miles, wringing out my gloves periodically and trying to keep energy levels up. With a mixture of lucozade, High 5 qels and glucose tablets.
13 miles happens as I reach killer hill so I decide to walk the last bit.

13.8 miles 3:11:46 AHR 137

I am on the road again so more numbers when I get home.

Mile Pace AHR
1 13:56 127 5 min walk then run
2 13:09 136 uphill
3 12:58 138 phew more comfortable now!
4 13:53 140
5 13:33 144 aagh into the wind and rain - got to keep running
6 13:16 143
7 14:06 138 pause to wring out gloves - again
8 13:13 139
9 14:03 139
10 14:12 136
11 13:52 140
12 13:57 138
13 14:21 137
0.8 16:32 130 walking up the hill
13.8 13:53 137 3:11:46 1763 Calories!


  1. rather you than me! My 2.7m were hard enough in the wind!
    Well done!!

  2. well done you!

    Much better than I've done in 3 weeks let alone anything else.

    Also, new bloggy thing - the email was getting annoying I think.

