Tuesday, 2 January 2007

keeping to the schedule

Been out for a plod with A - and now we are four!

Our sons are all in the same training group so we are all hanging around together several times a week, and the two newbies have been persuaded to join us (both their husbands run quickly).

We are up to R8:W2 x 3 - was a bit anxious as I am really bad at keeping going but I did all three reps without walking and even up inclines - not quick but definitely not walking :>))

I think I am beginning to gain confidence in my ability to keep going when it hurts.


  1. A Happy New Year to you too beanz!

    Glad to see you're enjoying a bit of group plodding. Keep up the good work.

  2. Woo hoo, you'll have no excuses soon :o))
