Sunday, 21 January 2007

never write a positive blog

every time I write a positive optimistic blog something happens to blow it out of the water

a week ago I twisted my back, which was then sore for several days and although I went to the club in kit on Tuesday, a gentle shuffle across the carpark confirmed it was to be a walk not run evening.

This was followed by a current stinky cold - which feels sore across my chest - so no running for over a week :<(


  1. How frustrating! I always find it so hard to get back on track after these setbacks. Hope you're feeling better soon.

  2. frustrating indeed!
    hope you feel better soon

  3. Bummer!

    Well, I have good company on the crocks bench :0)

    Setbacks happen - don't lose your positive attitude just because somebody 'up there' is having a laff!

    You are a determined resourceful lady and will be 'up and running' again before you know it.
    Just look after yourself in the meanwhile


  4. Just look after yourself.

    Perhaps it was the shock of finding yourself with 17yo teenbeanzes?


  5. take it as a well earned rest and enjoy it. Hope you feel better soon. I recommend a good stiff shot of whisky to chase away a cold if that is any help.
