Friday, 13 April 2007


Why is it that every time I begin to formulate a plan I am stimied by circumstances?

Tuesday is Runnerbeanz's club night so my night for running with the Mums. I wrote on the Waister thread about my frustration with the group that night - not sticking together and not coming back the agreed route meant two of us hung around for ages waiting for one person who had just gone off and done her own thing. So we did a couple of slow miles of run with a lot of walking and hanging around - just when I had made a decision that as we had an out and back route I could run to HR. And then she wondered why we waited for her!

Wednesday I woke with the stinker of all colds, I used the time off work to see the sports therapist whilst RB saw the fizz, I had a good deep masssage and have not been able take advantage of the looser calves because I can't breathe let alone run

The cold lingers on and it has also made concentrating on work difficult and I have wasted a lot of time surfing the forums when I should be getting ahead in my preparation so I can go to support at FLM without worrying about work.


  1. 'The best laid plans' and all that eh?

    take care of that cold, you probably picked it up on the plane - nasty unhealthy places planes.

    I'm also finding it difficult to concentrate on work and am wasting far too much time surfing and lurking. Maybe we ought to mail each other now and again with a get back to work message!

    Now, back to work for me.

  2. have a hug from me

    (im in an isolation suit though)

    see you next week

  3. Plans are like that but if you keep with the intention you will eventually work out a method.

    For the moment just look after yourself
