Sunday, 29 April 2007

not QUITE so early ...

Had to get my run in early today, even though it is Sunday, as it is Derby 10k and I was due to marshal.

So up and out by 6.45 for a little 3 mile potter - aiming to run at 125 - HR -135. Now, we do live on 'Cornhill' so as I have said before, whichever way I go it is downhill out and uphill back, but I've been trying a new route this week. And it is still undulating but not quite such a killer steep uphill as my standard old route. But as I am running to HR and am so overweight and unfit there was quite a lot of walking on the uphill bits. But my AHR for the 3 miles was 130 - so that is spot on in the middle of the zone :>)

Then back for shower and breakfast and into town to marshall. Runnerbeanz was running, but was not very positive before we even left the house, he didn't feel well prepared, has not done many longer runs recently - just his track sessions. And in the end he blew up at 7.5 km :<(

We must get a better schedule for him, as he was SO disappointed.


  1. Have been catching up with your blog. Glad you seem to be getting back on track. I know you mentioned that you feel out of shape and overweight! I've been feeling pretty fed up with my weight too (I put on a stone last year as I didn't run much, but still ate as much!) I enjoyed the runner's world articles this month about diet and hope to put some of their advice into practice.

  2. awwwwwwwww

    poor teanbeanz

    but, you and i know well, that sometimes it just doesnt happen on the day-training or not

    well plodded though!

  3. Full marks for marshalling. I think if every runner each year turned up and marshalled one event then we would all realise how difficult it is to put on an event.
