Sunday, 17 June 2007

plodding on

I missed Friday's run - it was persisting down - which wouldn't normally stop me, but I had reports to finish so decided to get up at run time and do an hour on reports instead.

So out this morning for a little plod and it was a lovely morning - bright blue sky and everything sparkly clean after the rain of the last three days.

I am trying new routes at the moment, investigating all the various side roads I don't normally need to go down, finding out what joins up to what - we've only lived here 15 years after all!

But I've come to the conclusion that another of the reasons (apart from slothfulness) I never seem to make much progress is that it is so undulating that I never manage to get into a rhythm, I plod along for a while quite happily and then here comes another hill.
Of course you can't read the scales so although it looks quite mountainous it isn't that bad really - but you can see what I mean about undulating!


  1. all runs are good runs
    it will come

  2. ditto Benz!

    Good on you for getting out there! I love looking at those Garmin hills, they make you look as if you've been mountain climbing! Still, undulating is good - yes really it is, the 'ups' help to strengthen the legs and the 'downs' provide some recovery time. Flat running can be harder sometimes, because you have to work the whole time.

    Keep plodding

  3. very hi tech! well done (on the run and getting the graph on the computer)"Ik ben onder de indruk" as they say in Holland.
