Saturday, 30 June 2007

struggling with target

I have struggled to get out twice a week before school - I seem to manage Tuesday but by Friday I've lost it.
I even set the alarm yesterday but then decided I needed the sleep more - I had had two long days at school and Friday turned out to be pretty grotty anyway, so just as well I had that extra hour.

I've spent today ferrying studentbeanz's stuff home from University - two car loads carried out to car, brought home and carried into house, plus some cleaning of the flat - now all that MUST be cross-training I think, certainly made me 'glow'.

Should manage to get out tomorrow morning - then there's only a week of school to go and I will have no excuses left.


  1. Hi Beanz, I find my motivation gets dramatically less as the week progresses. I've changed my plans around now to take this into account. Bet you'll be glad of the holidays.

  2. Belated Happy Birthday! and roll on summer holldays. Lots of lay-ins, no marking to do and running becomes a pleasure not a drag...........
