Saturday, 29 December 2007

A decision made

I've made the decision not to attempt to do FLM this year.

Yet again Highway Kind provides the right words to help me come to the decision.

I have not run since 10th November and cannot see me doing so any time soon, so it would be foolish to think I could do myself justice on 13th April.

So when I go to see the phyzz next week, it will be for a long term programme of rehabilitation, rather than rushing back to running.

Meanwhile I shall try to work on the eating side of things - tricky with so much chocolate and cheese in the house , but hey I can only try my best.

Not sure who I am writing this for - maybe it is for me. In which case I must try saving it as it is my only training log really, apart from a spreadsheet and the Garmin log.


  1. Ah well, you could have been writing it for me. Chocolate and cheese aren't so much my demise as is sweet tea and extra helpings at supper. Maybe I can do something about this in '08.

  2. We have the freedom to set our own challenges and programmes.

    Going back to the drawingboard can sometimes be liberating.

    Have a very good New Year

    (And keep writing - I, for one, really want to know how you are getting on)

  3. hey keep writing....You are my inspiration to keep my running blog going.

    Am sure you will get back to running soon. Enjoy the break.

    Wishing you a smashing injury free new year.

  4. I read too, you know. Been a bit busy recently and am now catching up. As the venerable HK says, feel liberated to re-set your targets.
