Wednesday, 10 June 2009

That's it then ...

The hospital appointment today has confirmed my forebodings.

No more running - when the man himself says 'well its your knee so I can't tell you not to but looking at the wear .....' you can't ignore the advice.

I'll probably get an VLM place now :<(

So its walking and swimming and learning to love the bike - but I don't actually have a bike at the moment. I shall wait until I get to the new job, when I can buy one through the 'bike to work' scheme and get Alistair Darling to cough up his share.


  1. That is very sad news.

    You must follow the advice and take care of yourself

    Swimming and cycling are both good but with cycling there are still forces through the knee.

    I am sure you will find something that will give you satisfaction.

    All the best

  2. just popped in to wish you happy birthday
    I hope things are settling for you in the knee department

  3. So you could still do a swim-bike duathon then?!
