thanks for all the birthday greetings - I'm detemined to stay 30 for a long while yet!
I am sure its the running and friendships thorugh running ( especially you peeps here) that have knocked 20+ years off my age!
original plan was to go to the club run tonight - though I was not sure if that was wise
fate stepped in the way and I have to go to a short notice meeting with a teenbeanz tonight
so it was an easy plod at 5.30 instead should have got up a bit earlier - did not have time to go quite as long as I would have liked
but tis done
garmin was not charged up, so just had to plod by watch-time and feel - Ruth would approve
it was a good morning for that - sun shining not much traffic, birds singing ......
what: W5: R25: W3 (and then I was back home)
distance: about 2.2 miles
HR: no idea but I did not walk and it felt good!
well its all about consistency