Thursday, 22 December 2005

FLM again!

after FLM this year I said I wouldn't do it again until I had lost weight and was running more quickly

wel I have not lost weight

and my last two half marathons have been my slowest

so I did not enter the ballot

but the club had a place spare - scandalously only 4 people put in for the five places!

so tonight I went down there and asked if the fifth place was still free

and it was

so I now have the forms .....

and a number

so I have to start NOW

Lessons learned from last time?

  • choose a plan and stick to it - last time I started on Hal Higdon's then tried to revert to base training - running every day, got injured and lost a lot of training time
  • don't miss the long runs - which means don't try doing them on a Sunday - it messes up the weekend for the family
  • don't think that just becasue I am running I can eat what I like - refuel properly

So this time

  • Follow Hal Higdon's novice schedule but do the long runs from the intermediate - as I am already ahead of where his long runs start from
  • Aim to run long runs on a Monday - it will mean running alone, but I will have to do that mostly anyway and it will not mess up family life - just have to book them in my diary NOW
  • Be flexible about the days I run - I have to be to fit in with the times I work away - and this schedule has 4 days running, 1 day cross traing and 2 rest days which is realistic I think
  • Eat properly and get the refuelling on long runs sorted

That will do for now .......................

all comments welcome!

especially from the professionals ( that's you, Womble)



    come and stay at thistle traffy square
    pricey-but he y why not
    wont give training advice
    not porfffesional

  2. Hurrah to you!!!

    Glad to see you appear to be relishing the challenge already!

    It's going to be soooo much fun, you know what to look out for this time round and I'm sure you'll find people to run with even on mondays occasionally.

    Anyway, we'll all be there running along side you virtually...

    take care, get some massage appointments lined up for the next couple of months! Prevention is better than cure as they say.

  3. Well done Beanzie!!!

    I'm very very proud of you!!


  4. I so knew you wouldn't resist!
    I'll try to join you on a few short runs if I can and I'll me at M17 for you!
    Just a thought ... why not speak to Spans about training. Her approach of X to be done this week and you fit it in worked well for me.


    This post just made my day Beanz

    Good for you - can't believe that the club had a spare place - that has to be a first!!!!!!

    So - Will see you there then


  6. Ntl refused my mail so you have work mail!!

  7. Whoohooo. You can do it Gal! Hal's a good plan to follow and you've plenty of time to build up slowly.
    I agree with getting the massages.
