Saturday, 1 April 2006

home at last

back home after three days away:

No run - not enough sleep on Wednesday night so too tired to do much by the time I got to the hotel in the evening after a long drive, a day's work and another drive.

An early start to the day when the hotel fire alarm went off at 4.00 am! Apparantly someone in a non smoking room set fire to their bedclothes!
At least the system seemed to work, and we were back inside in 15 minutes.

Up early for a run before our meeting - and I needed it - the meeting has the potential to be stressful, as some clashing personalities arriving. A great country park close to the hotel, so some good paths to run on and I did just over 4 miles. Was great to get past the toxic 20 and not think about running, but watch the wild life and relax.

Meetings went smoothly everybody behaved professionally and we acheived lots I think.

Finished work in time to put my feet up for 20 minutes and then go out for another plod. I thought I'd try a different route ands slightly misjudged the distance - only 2 miles, and although a running mate suggested I went out for another mile, I resisted.

Lovely relaxing dinner with three of the best colleagues - not too much shop but plenty of good chat - and also some reminders about why I don't want to go back in the classsroom.

Up early for another plod and another route - just 3 miles this morning, but now I am getting a feel for how the paths join up, so next time we are here I will be able to add a little distance easily.

Meetings went well this morning with lots of productive work done, so we were able to finish at lunchtime :>)

And home.

And I do not go away again until FLM weekend - so that has to be good :>))

And studentbeanz is coming home for a few days this week, which is even better :>))

March mileage was the most ever :>))

Apart from not having run longer than 14 miles in training I am feeling fairly good about FLM at the moment.

Even feeling so good I can bear to have the countdown clock up there (thanks to Leon and computerbeanz!)


  1. Great Post Beanz!
    Really pleased for you I am sure you will do just great!

  2. Ahem, Leon stole the clock thingy from me! ;o)

    Just kidding! I can't get it to work in my header space. They're cool though aren't they..?!!!

    Oh and may I please point you back to getting your club FLM place..? When you were worried you might not do this. March has the highest mileage ever and so it's looking like you WILL do it. Enjoy it and keep smiling Ms Beanzie!


  3. thats great to hear you so positive beanz
    looking forward to seeing you

  4. Fantastic

    If you are feeling confident now then everything will be OK
