Monday, 3 April 2006

stuff gets in the way ...

Today was planned to be a 2:30 run - last of the longs, or first of the tapers

I had to get out by 8:30 to fit it all in as student beanz was due to be picked up from the station

but the gas man cometh -the road outside is being excavated and new gas pipes laid to all the houses - but we have two gas meters - owing to it originally being two houses - and this is 'illegal' - so much toing and froing with higher and higher levels of foremen and I have to agree that a new gas pipe will not be connected to our 'second' meter - so no heating or hot water in that half of the house - which inlcudes studentbeanz's bedroom and my study :o(

then phone calls to mrbeanz who explodes (well not literally) and wonders why they thought we have had two separate bills for the last 10 years! and to our patient heating engineer who promises to call by this evening

all this means I do not get out of the house until 9.15

I decided I could not face the A6 yet again so will go down river, past the gym - so I can call in there for a drink, and it saves using my bottle belt, and just use my bumbag for phone keys etc - as I will at FLM.

Off I go plodding gently, but my HR seems to rise rapidly every time I go above walking pace in the first couple of miles - maybe I just need to warm up more slowly - I was already doing 5 minutes walk at the start as that seems to ease my calves into it.

The walk from the station to Blackheath for FLM should help there.

Anyway, I plod to the gym -which is just 4 miles, and good timing for a drink and buy a lucozade sport, drink a third and add water to dilute it - too sweet at full concentration.

Meet my massueuse who is doing Reading on Sunday with Michelle from Run for Glory - her first half and she has not run for 4 weeks, she has a sore calf.

Also went up and sorted out an appointment for tigerrunner to have amassage before FLM

and then student beanz phoned to say what time her train is due

and I realise I don't have time to go as far as planned - so a loop around the gym site and then a plod home

so not quite 2 hours done, rather than 2:30 - ah well that's life

Mile Pace AHR
1 13:53 130 downhill but HR erratic
2 13:24 146 downhill and level!
3 13:47 137 level
4 13:51 133 level
5 12:49 132 level
6 13:20 137 level
7 14:35 136 up
8 14:46 130 up
0.43 16:17 129 up!
8.43 13:56 135 1:57:30 1108 Cal

So 10 seconds slower than marathon pace and a HR that suggests something to spare

But a shame really - I had decided on a route with not to much undulation except for the climb coming home, a good day for running - bright blue sky, if a little breezy and I didn't have as good a run as I did last week in the pouring rain!


  1. At least you got out for a couple of hours Beanz. Life events have to be accomodated sometimes, though you would think people would realise by now that marathon training should come first!!

  2. Like Wynthorppe said to me yesterday, the harder ones are preparation for race day. Plus, it's better than having done nothing. Flexibility with your plans at this stage is good - not getting injured is the name of the game now.

    Well done chuck.


  3. life has a nasty habit of getting in the way and you did brilliantly given that so well done
