birthday tiring and uneventful - mrbeanz was off collecting some of studentbeanz's stuff from Uni before we get rid of the BIG car today
so it was just teenbeanzes and me at home
pressies? - DVD from SB, long handled loppers from one TB and a book from the other
MrB had been going to buy loppers - but TB thought of it first! So it was flowers from him.
What I really want is a man ............................. come and dig up the brambles and concrete path
Very long governor's meeting in the afternoon, where they tried to persuade me to stay on the Education Committee when I start my new job. I have resigned but they find it hard to accept, even though I have told them I shall not be able to come to meetings (they are during the day). They even offered to make the meetings in the evenings so I could come!!
I could not face running club after that - nothing to eat for 6 hours, brain numbed and a dash in and out the house was too much - so I wimped out.
TB offered back the words I give to him when he wimps out of a session -
'well you'll never improve if you don't put in the training'.
And he's right of course.
And today I'm waiting in for parcels of exam scripts to be marked, collecting a new (for us) car and trying to get some work done.
Will try to do some core stuff at some stage.
TOTM looms I suspect ......