Friday, 23 June 2006

still haven't run ........

I should have run again today

and again I didn't

but I did have a gentle swim with the teenbeanzes

I have not really got my act together on work either - too much surfing

but a few interesting websites on the way

this one was mentioned in the Guardian - a fascinating insight into what you can do with a bit of processing and a lot of data - the Guardian is campaigning to make publicly owned data - such as that from Ordnance Survey - available for public use

this is one for all us runners, especially when coach is looking

and a couple to try and put things into perspective - the small and the large


  1. sounds like one of those days that we all have once in a while. Seem to happen more often in the summer don't they.....

  2. I love all those websites!!!

    The stretching one was, of course the best
    [goes back to Guardian site]
    [scratches head and gets splinters pondering the other two]
